Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Hi y'all!!

   In a world of uncertainty, I am trying maintain a sense of normal in my mind.  My kids are home now and trying to tell them that they are in school at home is constant struggle.  They have the idea of when you are home, it's a vacation.
  My second oldest broke down today because she just doesnt want to do this at home. I get it, I really do.  I am trying to be firm and have understanding as well.
  My oldest will do the work, I have to get after her a few times but she will do it.  My son, the third in line, is adapting pretty well.  He will do his online work no problem but his paperwork and book that he received from the school is not going so well.
  Also, my son has a ton of energy....I am grateful that we have a big yard, both front and back so that he can run a few laps.
  Last and certainly not least, my 5 year old.  She is supposed to start kindergarten in the fall so we are working on her letters and starting her numbers.  She can write her name now.  I am one proud mama!
    Trying to figure out things for dinner everyday.....trying to keep the menu creative with limited trips to the grocery store.  I mean, who wants mac and cheese for a month straight.
  I miss my quiet time, so I find myself staying up when everyone has gone to bed.  I dont last long because I am tired.
  I am grateful for a husband that will make dinner when I am zoning out.  Sometimes I feel myself slipping into a sad state.
  I went to do a paper craft yesterday and my children have hidden my glue.  I felt like crying.
Crying over glue, that is a new one, even for me.
  My husband got paid today so I was able to order some more.  I am sure my kids will remember where the other glue is once the new one has arrived.  Isn't that how it goes?
  So to try and recapture a little sanity, I made some soap today.  That felt good.  It had been a few weeks since my last batch.
   I am praying my little business will catch on soon.  I am running out of space to place all the soap.  There are so many different soap makers out there, it is a tough market.  I keep praying though.
   So almost two weeks ago, we were forced to get a new van.  Our old one was not doing good and so we traded her in got a fairly new one.  It is quite fancy and so many buttons that my husband just likes to go out there and mess around in it. (He likes pressing buttons)
   My sweet neighbor across the street came out and we stood about 12 feet apart and talked for a few minutes, it felt so good to talk!  She asked how I like driving the new van, I told her, I really didnt know because we really cant go anywhere, lol.  But for the few blocks that I did drive it, it was awesome!
   Anyway, back to my soaps.  I really hope you think about trying one or two.  It is cheaper if you buy more than one.  I have really put my heart and soul (yes, I do have a heart and soul) into soap making.   A huge THANK YOU to the ones that have purchased my soaps, you have no idea how happy that makes me!!  I am literally smiling for several days!  If you live near me, please hit me up for a different price, no need to pay for shipping when it can be picked up or dropped off.
   I have done a lot of research in oil and their different properties.  Store bought soap is horrible!!  I had no idea the crap they put in there. All that stuff, your skin sucks up right into your body!!  There are no additives or formaldehyde in my soap!  I know the soap seems expensive but you they are bigger than normal soap and with the new soap loaf, the bars weigh a lot more.  Some people cut them in two and use in two places!  Please, give me a try!!
   If you are still reading this, wow!! And a big THANK YOU!!    I hope we all make it through this trying time and know you that if you are going a bit crazy, you are not alone!  I will be right there with you!!  Here are some pictures of my new soaps, my favorite is still the Mt Dew soap!!
Link to the store: L & A Little Flowers

                                          The Perfect Man Soap
                                   Grape Soda Pop Soap
                                   Amazing scent!  Peaches n Cream
Thanks again!!


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