Thursday, April 30, 2020

So another month has come and gone.  All the days are kind of blurring together at this point. 
  I find myself trying to fight off this gloom but with no luck.  I am feeling more down everyday.
   That being said, I am seriously trying to fight my way out of this dark time.  I am adding lemon decor to my kitchen and living room.  I feel like if I have a bright color, that might help.
   I have reupholstered my kitchen chairs to a waterproof vinyl!
I have added some more decorations to the wall I havent finished painting yet but I needed to get something on the wall.  Just so plain and boring.
I used a little bit of old school with some modern pictures and I think it turned out great!!
This is helping but I still feel the blues over my Etsy shop.  It has been slow and I am feeling discouraged, that I should just give up.  I would hate to give this up, making soap actually makes me so happy!  I keep praying that people will start buying. I have really put my heart and soul into finding good oils to use for cleansing, moisturizing, bubbles, gentleness, and making the skin super soft!
Some of the soaps I have done.
Thanks for listening, whoever you are!!